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Technology: The Solution to a Sustainable Agriculture?
Technology: The Solution to a Sustainable Agriculture?
30 Jan 2020, 08:30 GMT
Royal Agricultural University
This event aims to take an informal approach to exploring the big issues in AgriTech and sustainable agriculture. Organized by RAU students, we welcome people from all backgrounds. Register today for a unique and inspiring experience at no cost, FREE!
Home: Overview

Why Join Us?

The opening event of'Farm491's - AgTech Season',
2020 Sustainable Agriculture & Tech seminar @RAU is finally here!

Join us as we venture through exciting approaches and dialogue on the role of technology in sustainable agriculture!

Some of the key themes we will be addressing are: ​

  • SUSTAINABLE AGRI-TECH: Technology as an accelerator of sustainable agriculture.

  • KNOWLEDGE DISSEMINATION: The use of technology in knowledge transfer and not only a solution in its own right. 

  • SCALABILITY OF AGTECH: The need to scale to create impact vs. locality and context-based solutions.

Take advantage of forward-thinking keynote speakers, networking with entrepreneurs, and much more!

mon mccord.jpg

Mona McCord

Director of Agricultural Innovation at Grameen Foundation

Grameen Foundation is a global non-profit dedicated to enabling the poor, especially women, to create a world without poverty and hunger.

They use expertise and partnerships to connect poor rural women to essential financial, health and agricultural products and services while building empowering ecosystems that support breakthroughs.



8:30 am

Doors open and registration begins. 

Opening Remarks

9:30 am

RAU students will introduce you to the days' planned activities and will give a brief description of their insights as students in the future role of Agritech in agriculture.

Sarah Carr, Farm491 & Ian Wilkinson FarmED


Sarah Carr from Farm491 and Ian Wilkinson from FarmED will begin the days discussions. There will be time allocated at the end of each presentation for questions from the audience.

Tea & Coffee break



Tirion Keatinge, reNature; Sava Riaskoff & Stefano Petroni; Professor James Lowenberg-DeBoer


The next section of the day will discuss the alternative opinions and the varying roles of agri-tech in a sustainable future for agriculture.


1:00 pm

Lunch can be purchased and served in our dining room along with the opportunity to network with seminarists and other guests. Guests are also encouraged to submit questions for the afternoon debate session.

Alex Cherry, Groundswell


Alex Cherry will discuss the work they do at the Groundswell event in promoting sustainable agriculture practices.

Keynote Speaker - Mona McCord, Grameen Foundation


Mona McCord, Director of Agriculture innovations at Grameen Foundation will give the keynote speech of the day. She will share with us some of the work that Grameen is doing in connecting farmers to markets and the role that agritech plays in this.

There will be time for a 15 minute Q&A session at the end of the presentation.



15 minutes to refresh and submit final questions for the panel discussion.

Panel Debate


Speakers from the day will participate in a panel discussion debating questions submitted from the audience during the lunch break.

Closing Remarks

4:30 pm



5:00 pm

Bathurst Wing.
This is an opportunity to meet and mingle/network with the IRD conference speakers and guests.



Boutflour Hall, Royal Agricultural University

Stroud Rd, Cirencester GL7 6JS, United Kingdom



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